時尚革命 回歸簡單生活

時尚革命 回歸簡單生活

Apr 07. 2023

前陣子小編參加了時尚革命的活動,在那裡認識了好多關注社會議題的品牌。有來自香港的grannie kiddie販售的是二手古著,倡導好好愛惜衣物,讓老奶奶衣櫥裡的洋裝得到第二次重生被喜愛、被穿著的機會,希望用古著抗衡速食時裝 (anti - Fast Fashion),讓粉絲每天都可以是 grannie style。另外,也有來自新加坡的EDEN+ELIE,他們雇用了10名自閉症工藝家來手工串2mm迷你玻璃珠完成每件都與眾不同的首飾,充分落實企業社會責任令人聞之動容(小編當場想掏出錢包出來購買,好不容易自己的左手拉右手最後才忍住了)。還有來自台灣的Story wear雇用二度就業女裁縫師,使用回收的牛仔衣褲再生設計成新產品,每一件商品都有自己的ID身分證,公開透明的說明製造者是誰,原料來源、製造時間。當然還有更多引人入勝的品牌,往後我們再慢慢發掘跟分享。

Story Wear

圖片來源:故事衣(Story Waer)







反觀在現實生活中常常發生的卻往往是相反的,當我們花費不算多的錢買一件快時尚的衣服或飾品,事實上我們並不需要它,購買它只是因為它很平價所以產生慾望想要擁有它,回家之後我們可能永遠不會穿戴,在衣櫃待了一段時間之後就被我們回收或丟棄了。這也許沒花我們太多錢去擁有,但是卻讓地球付出很大的代價去生產、消化。Some things cost more than you realise - 有些事情的代價比你意識到的還要高;許多的事情我們不應該用價錢來衡量,因為在工業化的量產時代,我們付出的價錢往往低於製造商品時背後那些看不見的代價;一件售價39元的物品很便宜,所以我們可能不加思索的買回家,想說遲早有一天會用到它,但是這一天遲遲沒有來,等於我們花了39元製造了一件不知道要幾十年或上百年才會被消滅的垃圾,這就是血淋淋的「代價比意識到的還要高」的例子。



花更多的錢 買更少的衣服


話說回來,這個時尚革命活動給我們一些啟發就是「花更多的錢,買更少的衣服」。當面對一件150元跟800元的T恤,我們可能要考慮許多層面再決定購買哪一件;要考慮它是否100%純棉(純棉在洗衣或是廢棄的時候都相對的對地球友善)?是否為有機棉(種植過程對環境跟人都友善)?染色過程是否合法?它是否由非法勞工或童工參與製程?是否來自一間注重社會責任的企業?最重要的是 - 我們是否真的需要多買一件T恤?當我們都想清楚之後,我們可能會決定「花更多的錢,買更少的東西」,但是一旦決定要買的東西,我們就應該好好珍惜、充分使用它。




話說小編其實很常常被琳瑯滿目的商品誘惑,也常常購買自己不需要的衣服只因為它剛好在特價,但是買了那麼多衣物堆在衣櫃裡,事實上小編常穿的通常是衣櫃裡的10%,其他的90%永遠在等待適合的時機穿它,卻從來沒有等到適合的那一天,或是只有在參加朋友喜宴的時候穿它一次,然後就把它捐給舊衣回收中心。但是現在既然決定要「花更多的錢,買更少的東西」,小編往後購物前一定會再三自問是否真的需要或只是想要,若確定為真的需要購買,小編以後購買衣物也會選擇純棉或純麻衣物,用消費改變世界。以後如果是為了參加宴會,小編會乾脆上網租衣服, 比如:AMAZE快租時尚




全球首雙海洋垃圾鞋 只有台灣能做

文章分享:天下雜誌<全球首雙海洋垃圾鞋 只有台灣能做>


『新起的綠色技術,卻能將廢物變鞋材,重新導回人類生活。而箇中關鍵,就藏在台灣桃園觀音。每年有高達九百萬噸的廢棄塑膠流入海洋,不只纏住海洋生物,甚至還被海洋生物吃下肚。海洋環保組織「海洋會議」(Parley for the Oceans)想找新方法解決海洋垃圾,於是與愛迪達合作,愛迪達又再找上台灣的遠東新世紀。』







Fashion revolution, return to simple life

by mittag jewelry


A while ago, we joined fashion revolution activities, where we learned many brands that cared on social issues. Such as grannie kiddie from Hong Kong selling second-hand vintage dresses, advocating cherishing clothes, and letting the dresses in granny’s closet get a second chance to be reborn and loved, hoping their fans can be grannie style every day, to anti-fast fashion. In addition, there was EDEN+ELIE from Singapore, who hired 10 autistic craftsmen to hand-string 2mm mini glass beads to complete each unique jewelry, fully implement the company social responsibility which is fascinating. There was also Story Wear from Taiwan, which employed a second career seamstress and used recycled denim pants to redesign into new products. Each product had its own ID showed who made it, the source of raw materials, and the needed hours of making. Of course, there are more fascinating brands, and we will slowly explore and share them in the future.


Story Wear

source from: Story Wear


The main axis of the whole fashion revolutionary activity was to nicely treat the things we have, to use, to cherish, to wear it for a long time, until it could no longer be worn, we could also think of ways to create its second life, and then continued to use it until it really coulld no longer serve. For example, we all have a lot of jeans, when we no longer wear it, it may change the look to become a backpack, coaster, or like rin-0 sewing many pieces of eliminated jeans into a unique working apron. Such a transformation can not only continue the life cycle of the good, but also allow you to differentiate from others.



Some things cost more than you realize


On the other hand, what happens in real life is often the opposite. When we spend some money to buy a fast-fashioned dress or accessory, we don’t really need it, we buy it just because it is cheap, so it creates our desires to have it. We may never wear it after we bought it, and we might recycle or dump it after keeping it for a while in the closet. This may not cost us too much to own it, but it makes the earth paying a lot to produce and digest. Some things cost more than you realise; many things should not be measured by price, because in the industrial mass production era, we pay less than the price behind the invisible cost. A price of $39 is very cheap, so we may buy it without much thinking, we thought that one day we would use it, but this day has never came, this equals to us spending $39 creating a piece of garbage that might take decades or hundreds years to destroy or vanish. It is an example of "cost more than realize".



Spend more money, buy less clothes


This fashion revolutionary activity gave us some inspiration to "spend more money, buy less clothes". When we face with a T-shirt of $150 and $800, we may have to consider many aspects before deciding which one to buy; consider whether it is 100% pure cotton? Is it organic cotton? Is the dyeing process legal? Is it involved in the process by illegal workers or child labor? Does it come from a company that values social responsibility? The most important thing is - do we really need to buy an extra T-shirt? When we all think clearly, we may decide to "spend more money and buy less clothes", but once we decide what to buy, we should cherish and fully use it.


Recently, we participated in the sustainable fashion forum and then learned a lot about the fashion industry, we were greatly surprised that the textile industry is a high-tech industry, and that Taiwan’s textile industry is one of the best in the world. Through participating in forum, we learned that each piece of clothing is produced through the following processes: design, material selection, production, consumption, and elimination cycles; and an very important part is on "material selection" of a clothing design. If the designer chooses a non-environmentally friendly fabric without fully understanding the characteristics of the material, it will easily increase the burden on the earth. Therefore, under the concept of circular design, material selection is really a very important part. And we have learned that the best choice of purchasing clothes should be 100% pure cotton or pure linen as the preferred choice for the earth. Our wardrobe configuration should also be 90-95% pure cotton or pure linen, and the remaining 5-10% is a mixed material for sports purposes, to meet moisture wicking fabric, waterproof, expansion and contraction purpose (because the mixed material is the most difficult material to be decomposed and then re-used again in the final elimination phase of the garment, and its end is often directly incinerated).


In fact, I often tempted by a dazzling array of goods, and often buy clothes that I don't need only because it is just on sale. With so many clothes piled up in the closet, I often wear the 10% clothes in the closet, the other 90% are always waiting for the right time to wear it, but the right time never came, or I only wear it once when attending a friend's wedding banquet, and then I donate it to the clothes recycling center. But now that I have decided to "spend more money and buy less clothes", I will repeatedly ask myself whether I really need it or just want to buy it. If I really need it, I will choose pure cotton or pure linen clothing, changing the world with consumption. In the future, if it is for the banquet, the I will simply rent clothes, such as AMAZE fast-renting fashion.



source from: AMAZE

全球首雙海洋垃圾鞋 只有台灣能做

Article sharing:CommonWealth Magazine<Turning Ocean Waste into Footwear - Taiwan Makes it Possible>


Finally, share an inspiring article that was shared on the mittag’s FB page and caused lots feedbacks! Taiwan, you are so great! I love Taiwan!
"Eager to find new approaches to reducing ocean waste, the non-governmental environmentalist group Parley for the Ocean joined hands with sports shoe brand Adidas to turn a prototype shoe made from ocean plastic into a consumer product. Adidas, in turn, enlisted the expertise of Taiwanese textile manufacturer Far Eastern New Century Corporation (FENC) to upcycle the plastic waste into a practical footwear material.”


#Fashion revolution
#Sustainable fashion
#Change the world with consumption
#Parley for the Ocean