mittag jewelry
公平貿易  綠起來

公平貿易 綠起來

Nov 10. 2023

台灣公平貿易品牌一同努力並相互扶持:生態綠OKOgreen + mittag jewelry



您知道嗎?mittag jewelry努力了一年半的時間,經過了許多人的幫忙,我們才能成為台灣第一也是唯一的公平貿易珠寶品牌,在這裡我們要特別感謝「Fairtrade Taiwan 國際公平貿易組織台灣分會」理事長 余宛如女士,以及秘書長 詹慧珍女士,有她們這一年多的協助、鼓勵,幫助mittag jewelry跟公平貿易組織總部、香港 、韓國取經,讓我們在努力的路上不孤單,但是畢竟台灣過去沒有任何公平貿易礦物認證商的案例可循,所有的申請作業與規則都不是現行制度可以通用的,mittag jewelry只能磕磕碰碰的學習與成長。同時,我們也真心感謝「Fairtrade Taiwan」特別在國際公平貿易組織台灣分會官網歡迎mittag jewelry加入了台灣公平貿易的行列。

我們還要另外感謝OKOgreen生態綠總經理Wenyen Hsu與Amber Chan,因為同為公平貿易品牌,再加上過去生態綠也曾經歷過推廣公平貿易的種種困難,所以生態綠不吝對我們伸出友善的雙手,熱情的協助我們的企劃與活動。所以當mittag jewelry成為台灣唯一公平貿易珠寶品牌後,第一個公平貿易珠寶商品即選擇了廣為人知的公平貿易咖啡作為出發點。由生態綠OKOgreen友情提供100%公平貿易的咖啡豆,然後再由我們一顆一顆慢慢的細心挑選出心中最美的一顆豆子,將它鑄造成公平貿易咖啡豆墬飾項鍊,來紀錄我們一起在台灣推廣公平貿易觀念的重要紀念。



一路走來實在很不容易,我們用了一年半的時間走到這裡,但是如同mittag jewelry的Fairmined歐洲供應商為我們打氣時所說的:「成為Fairmined ID: TW30001(台灣編號第01號)是一件很不容易的事情,過程雖然會很辛苦,但絕對是走在對的路上」。就像我們在「選擇公平貿易  用消費改變世界」提及的『在公平貿易所認證的咖啡中,接近85%也是對環境與工人健康較有益的有機咖啡。所以得到公平貿易幫助的生產者在標準之下,也能提供對另一端消費者更好更健康的產品。』。「Fairmined公平採礦」也是同樣的理念,『用友善的方式對待大自然,並以合理的價格收購礦產原料』,使用安全防護的設備工作、保護生態環境的方式採礦,是走在對的方向、對的路上。公平貿易讓我們的生活「綠」起來,我們也相信往後的路上會有更多的人加入我們,『一個人雖然走的快,一群人卻能走的遠』,為了一起走得更遠,mittag jewelry真誠的邀請您加入我們一同攜手往前邁進。



coffee bean necklace fm_咖啡豆項鍊






Taiwan fair trade brands work together and support each other: OKOgreen + mittag jewelry


Do you know? mittag jewelry has worked hard for an year and a half, and with the help of many people, we could finally become the first and only fair trade jewelry brand in Taiwan. Here we would like to specially thank the chairman Ms. Karen Yu and Secretary General Ms. Huei Chen Chan of the "International Fair Trade Organization Taiwan Branch", with their assistance and encouragement for more than an year, helped mittag jewelry to contact the Fairtrade Organization headquarters, Hong Kong, and South Korea, so that we were not alone in our efforts. But after all, there was no precedent cases of managing fair trade precious metal in Taiwan, all application operations and rules are not universal in the current system, mittag jewelry could only learn and grow by bumping. Meanwhile, we are also truly very grateful to "Fairtrade Taiwan" for welcoming mittag jewelry to join Taiwan's fair trade group on the official website.

We would also like to thank Wenyen Hsu and Amber Chan, the general manager of OKOgreen, because we are both fair trade brands, and OKOgreen has experienced various difficulties in promoting fair trade in the past, so OKOgreen has not hesitated to extend their kindness to us, enthusiastically assisting our proposals and activities. So when mittag jewelry became the only fair trade jewelry brand in Taiwan, the first fair trade jewelry product chosen was the well-known fair trade coffee as the starting point. 100% fair trade coffee beans were provided by OKOgreen, and then we carefully selected one by one the most beautiful bean, and cast it into a fair trade coffee bean jewelry necklace to record the important memorial promoting the concept of fair trade in Taiwan.

However, the casting process of fair trade precious metals is not as easy as other ordinary jewelry. Due to the "Fairmined" casting regulation, we must find a precious metal foundry that can fully cooperate to completely separate and isolate fair trade precious metals from other gold and silver sources, and agreed to let us provide our own casting tools so that this batch of gold from Peru and silver from Colombia can be claimed complying with Fairmined's standard casting production to ensure the complete traceability of the entire manufacturing process. After casting each bean, we carefully filed it and polished it to a perfect state. Then laser engraved the Fairmined mark on each bean, giving it 100% fair trade precious metal raw materials authentication.



It’s not easy to go all the way, and it took us more than an year to get here, but as the Fairmined european supplier of mittag jewelry said when cheering for us: "Becoming Fairmined ID: TW30001 (Taiwan No. 01) is not easy. Although the process will be very hard, it is definitely on the right path." As we mentioned in "Changing the world with consumption by choosing fair trade" , "nearly 85% of the fair trade certified coffee is also organic coffee that is more beneficial to the environment and workers' health. So producers who get fair trade help can also provide better and healthier products to consumers." Fairmined also has the same concept. "treat nature in a friendly manner, and purchase goods at a reasonable price." Mining using safe and protective equipment to work and protect the ecological environment is in the right direction and on the right way. Fair trade makes our lives "green", and we do believe that more people will join us in the future. "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." In order to go far together, mittag jewelry sincerely invites you to join us and move forward hand in hand.



coffee bean necklace fm
