mittag jewelry
來自台灣 | mittag jewelry的故事

來自台灣 | mittag jewelry的故事

Dec 09. 2022



「疑?!費雪,妳在這呀?!」我吃驚了一下;費雪是mittag jewelry的創辦人,因為公司是歐美平等式管理方式,所以都直呼英文名字,而且平常工作都是專業分工,所以大夥兒總感覺是朋友,這可是小編很喜歡這間公司的一個地方。


就醬,開始了我們一段蠻長的談話。在談話中我也提出了一個想問已久的問題,就是〝當時為什麼創立mittag jewelry〞。在談話完後,小編覺得這很適合分享給像您我這樣珍愛台灣的人知道費雪的心路歷程。



Taiwan = Nike 首次的品牌印象衝擊


費雪說她年輕時第一次出國旅行,選擇到義大利當背包客自助旅行。就在威尼斯觀光的時候,有一位義大利人問她來自哪裡,費雪回答:「台灣!」,義大利人回說:「喔~Nike~」,當時她腦海裡冒出許多問號,大家都知道Nike不是台灣品牌啊,為什麼義大利人會說台灣...後來溝通了半天才弄清楚義大利人原來是指台灣是Nike的代工廠!這是費雪第一次面對品牌商跟代工廠的之間的印象衝擊,那時的費雪就在心裡默默立下志願,誓言未來一定要為台灣〝品牌商〞工作(而非台灣代工廠),讓台灣品牌也能讓國際看見並且在國際上發光發熱。也因為這個念頭的萌發,她數年後前往英國進修國際行銷管理取得碩士學位;然而,在英國留學的時候,正好經歷了mit(made in taiwan 台灣製品)矇上陰影的期間,那時接連有幾部外國影片/廣告都不約而同地戲謔mit產品中看不中用,公開取笑mit產品只能使用一次。這樣的傷害對台灣的代工產業影響是很巨大的,費雪也為此難過不已,因此更確立了她要為mit蒙冤受屈的形象做出努力與貢獻。



影片出處:上班不要看(呱吉) [HD] 15部曾經出現過台灣的好萊塢電視電影



影片出處:上班不要看(呱吉) [HD] 15部曾經出現過台灣的好萊塢電視電影



影片出處:上班不要看(呱吉) [HD] 15部曾經出現過台灣的好萊塢電視電影



影片出處:上班不要看(呱吉) [HD] 15部曾經出現過台灣的好萊塢電視電影


取得碩士學位後,回絕了在歐洲的工作機會的費雪,回台灣後也不曾考慮在台灣為外商公司工作,回國後盡全力爭取工作上的第一志願,幾番周折之後終於進入夢想的台灣品牌公司---宏碁電腦Acer Incorporated。她在acer工作數年,除了一圓跟台灣品牌在國際舞台上一起打拼的夢想,期間還見識了一個台灣的國際品牌如何營運管理,如何在世界各大洲經營不同品牌價值提升,也參與了品牌透過各種行銷管道增加市占率,最重要的是在這裡遇見了許多志同道合熱愛台灣的朋友們,有這些朋友的相扶相持,讓她在創業的路上並不孤單。





2011年當她再次出國到東歐當背包客,在青年旅館遇到一位北歐來的年輕背包客,北歐旅客問費雪國籍,然後很興奮的對費雪說:「我是用台灣品牌htc手機耶!很好用耶!但是...妳為什麼用iPhone?」這時費雪感覺有如當頭棒喝:「對阿!除了為台灣品牌公司工作,我為什麼沒有用購買等實際行動來支持台灣品牌?!」。從那一刻起,費雪完全改變消費習慣。在允許的情況下儘量購買使用台灣品牌產品,除非真的沒得選擇的狀況下才會放棄這項堅持。她改用htc手機,家裡用大同家電;在服裝方面,費雪穿著的衣物也都是台灣國民品牌lativ,鞋子大都是阿瘦皮鞋。飲食方面,也都購買使用台灣產銷農產品,除了支持台灣農民,也可大大降低碳足跡(現在,購買及使用台灣本地產品,也已經成為mittag jewelry公司在購物及企業合作選擇上的第一準則了)。


但是在科技業數年之後,費雪一方面感覺自己在大公司當一顆小螺絲能夠貢獻的力量太薄弱,另一方面覺得科技產品較冰冷想要做有溫度的產品,因為以上種種,才會90度大轉彎走上自創品牌並決定提供有手作溫度的產品,創一個來自台灣的品牌,而且品牌名稱必須要傳達mit的精神/品質 (因為決心想要為當年mit蒙上陰影的吐一口氣),經過不斷的提案、溝通、選擇、投票,最後大家選擇了mittag傳達mit brand的精神,並決定以「全程台灣製造」做為我們的目標與承諾 (包含商品本身與其周邊所有包裝)。



傳達mittag jewelry追求自然與自我的精神與信念


此外,mittag還是一個德文字,意指中午,是大家一整天辛勤工作中唯一一段屬於自己的時間。在這段午休時間內,我們藉此得以回歸自然(nature)並回歸自我(me),例如與喜歡的同事或朋友,到喜歡的樹下或草地上,吃自己喜歡的午餐或三明治,聊有興趣的話題與對未來的夢想;如同mittag jewelry想要傳達的忠於自我的意境(NatureMe)一樣。以有溫度的手作產品傳達反璞歸真、怡然自得、追求自我的態度。因為在內心的深處,大家渴望著能夠爭取一絲片刻的寧靜,就如同在辦公室的午後泡杯咖啡小憩片刻一樣,這種追求內心的怡然自得的自在感,就是mittag品牌想傳達的最重要信念。


為了時時刻刻提醒自己「莫忘初衷」(創一個來自台灣的品牌,提供有手作溫度的產品),mittag logo決定採手寫呈現,經由手寫了上千個mittag,並由團隊反覆篩選出最適合的率性文字來做品牌 logo,希望能夠藉由手寫logo直接傳達品牌的手作精神,以及慢慢用心製作出工業機器量產所無法取代的手感設計與職人手作溫度的品牌風格。我們主張簡約、純粹、自然的設計風格、不過多的設計,並想藉由創造出許許多多發自內心悸動的商品,喚起您對自然、童趣的感動與回憶;並且,我們堅持使用自然的材質(銀、K金、原木、真皮...),不使用化學電鍍的金屬處理,也不使用高溫高壓的寶石優化處理,提供材質最原始樸實的質感,令人忍不住反覆觸摸欣賞。更期望這些由自然材質所組成的作品能伴隨您的長久使用及配戴走出它另一種優美的生命歷程。


隨著其他成員的陸續加入,每個人的立場都是支持熱愛mit產品,如同在另一篇"觸動人心的手作品牌!聚集手作魂的台灣品牌介紹"文章裡提到,我們購買台灣品牌『Mao’s樂陶陶』的手工繪製和上釉的餐盤;米米鍾情於一間台中市的台灣手工皮件品牌『ea手工涼鞋精品服飾』;小編喜愛使用外表樸實、內在誠懇的台灣品牌『阿原手工肥皂』。我們將love mit深深內化,我們熱愛mit,我們用行動支持mit,我們為mit感到驕傲!



邀請您跟mittag jewelry一起 #愛台灣,從日常生活中支持台灣品牌開始!





comes from Taiwan | the story of mittag jewelry

by mittag jewelry


Around the corner near our studio is a coffee shop where has always been a place that our colleagues love to visit when taking a rest. The industrial style is decorated with large floor-to-ceiling windows, making the winter sunny day afternoon tea time particularly cosy. On this day, me is going to take a coffee latte.

"Hey! here you come, too!" A familiar voice passed over, and I quickly turned to look.

"Yes...Fisher, you are here?!" I was surprised. Fisher is the founder of mittag jewelry, because our company adopts an equal management method like Europe and America, we call each other by their English names directly, so everyone feels like a friend, this is one reason that I like this company very much.

"Come on! Let’s have a coffee break together!" She patted the sofa and asked me to sit with her.

And so, we started a long conversation. In the conversation, I also raised a question that I have been wondering for a long time, that is: “why did Fisher create mittag jewelry?” After the conversation, I feel that this is very suitable to share with people like you and me who love Taiwan so much.



First time branding impression impact of Taiwan = Nike


Fisher said that when she was young, she traveled abroad for the first time and chose to travel to Italy as a backpacker. When she was sightseeing in Venice, an Italian asked her where she came from. Fisher answered: "Taiwan!" The Italian replied: "Oh~Nike~", she had many question marks in her mind, everyone knows Nike is not a Taiwanese brand. Why did the Italian say Taiwan... Then, it took a long time to figure out that the Italian meant that Taiwan was the manufacturing factory of Nike! This is the first time that Fisher has faced the impression impact between a brand and a foundry. At that time, Fisher made a wish, and vowed to work for Taiwanese brands companies (not Taiwan foundries) in the future, let Taiwanese brands can be seen in the world. Because of this thought, she went to the UK for a master degree in international marketing management several years later; however, when studying in the UK, she experienced the bad reputation of mit (made in taiwan), when there were several foreign films/advertisements made fun of the mit products, and implied mit product can only be used for once. The impact of such injuries on Taiwan's foundry industry is huge, and Fisher has been saddened by this quite a lot. Therefore, she has decided to make efforts and contributions to correct the image of mit.



影片出處:上班不要看(呱吉) [HD] 15部曾經出現過台灣的好萊塢電視電影



影片出處:上班不要看(呱吉) [HD] 15部曾經出現過台灣的好萊塢電視電影



影片出處:上班不要看(呱吉) [HD] 15部曾經出現過台灣的好萊塢電視電影



影片出處:上班不要看(呱吉) [HD] 15部曾經出現過台灣的好萊塢電視電影


After obtaining a master degree, Fisher turned down job opportunities in Europe, she did not consider working for a foreign company in Taiwan. After returning to Taiwan, she tried her best to get her dream job which was to work for Acer Incorporated. She therefore worked at acer for several years. In addition to her dream of working with Taiwanese brands, she also saw how a Taiwanese international brand managed, how to operate different brand values on all continents, and also participated in the brand's marketing through various channels. The most important thing was to meet many like-minded friends who love Taiwan here. With these friends’ supports and encourages, she was not feeling alone on the road to start a business.



Second time branding impact of suppoting MIT products


When she went abroad as a backpacker in Eastern Europe in 2011, she met a young Nordic backpacker at the youth hostel. The Nordic traveller asked Fisher’s nationality. Then he was very excited to say to Fisher: "I am using the Taiwanese brand htc mobile phone. And, it’s very good to use! But... why are you using iPhone?” At the time, Fisher felt like being punched at heart: “Yes! Besides working for a Taiwanese brand company, why didn’t I take actual actions such as buying Taiwanese products to support the Taiwan brands?!” . From that moment on, Fisher has completely changed the consumption habits. She tries to buy Taiwanese brand products as far as possible, unless there really has no choices. She changed to use htc mobile phone, Tatong home appliances. Taiwan national brand laiv clothes, and most of the shoes were from ASO. In terms of diet, she buys and eats Taiwan agricultural products, in addition to supporting Taiwanese farmers, this can also greatly reduce carbon footprint. (Now, buying and using Taiwanese local products has become the first criterion for mittag silver in shopping and business cooperation).


However, after several years in the technology industry, Fisher felt that as a small screw could contribute so little in a large company. On the other hand, she felt that the technology products were colder and wanted to have temperature products. Because of the above reasons, she took a 90-degree turn to create a Taiwan brand and decided to provide a handmade products with warm temperature feeling, and the brand name must convey the spirit/quality of mit. After a constant proposal, communication, selection, and voting, everyone finally chose mittag to convey the spirit of mit brand, and decided to use "full Taiwan manufacturing" as our goal and commitment (including the product itself and all packagings).



The spirit and belief of being nature and being self that mittag jewelry wants to convey


In addition, mittag is a German word at the same time, meaning noon, the only break which belongs to ourselves in all day hard work. During this lunch break, we will be able to return to nature and return to be ourselves, such as to eat lunch or sandwich by a tree or on the grass, with our favorite colleagues or friends, to share our interested topics and dreams for future; just like mittag jewelry wants to convey the loyalty to be ourselves. With a handmade product with warm temperature, it conveys the attitude of returning to the nature, original, self-satisfaction and self-pursuit. Because in the depths of the heart, everyone is eager to fight for a moment of tranquility, just like having a cup of coffee in the afternoon in the office. This kind of pursuit of inner self-satisfaction is the most important belief that the mittag brand wants to convey.


In order to remind ourselves all the time "don't forget the original intention" (create a brand from Taiwan, provide products with handmade temperature), we decided to have mittag logo in handwriting style, with handwritten thousands times of mittag logo, and the team repeatedly screened out the most appropriate writing to make the brand logo, hope to directly convey the brand's handmade spirit through handwritten logo, and to offer a handmade design that can not be replaced by industrial machine mass production. We advocate simple, pure, natural style, without too over-designed, and like to evoke your recollection of nature and childlike fun by creating a lot of heart-warming goods; and, we insist on using nature material (silver, K gold, woods, leathers...), does not use chemically plated metal treatment, does not use high temperature and high pressure gemstone optimization treatment, provides the most primitive and simple texture of the material. We hoped that these works made of natural materials will accompany you for a long time to use and wear out another beautiful life course.


With other members joining in, everyone's position is to support the love of mit products, as mentioned in another article "The touching of the handmade brand! Introducing Taiwanese handmade brands", we buy Taiwan brand "Mao’s Joyful Kiln" hand-painted and glazed plate; Mimi loves a Taiwanese handmade leather goods brand "ea handmade sandals boutique apparel" in Taichung City; as for me loves to use the simple outside, sincere inside Taiwan brand "Yuan" handmade soap. We deeply internalize loving mit, we love mit, we support mit with actions, we are proud of mit!


Although Fisher has left acer for several years, the inside her heart to support domestic brands has never stopped. Until now, she still buys and uses acer desktops and notebooks. Acer is always the number one brand in Fisher's heart.


We sincerely invite you to join mittag jewelry #love Taiwan, starting from buying and supporting Taiwanese brands in daily life!