mittag jewelry
台灣需要的循環經濟(3)  早已鳴槍起跑的「共享經濟」

台灣需要的循環經濟(3) 早已鳴槍起跑的「共享經濟」

Aug 11. 2023

小編在前兩篇"台灣需要的循環經濟(1)  比回收更有效的綠色產品規劃"與"台灣需要的循環經濟(2)  「搖籃到搖籃」的綠色思維"中分別介紹了台灣的現況與在循環經濟(Circular Economy)裡重要的"搖籃到搖籃(Cradle to Cradle,簡稱C2C)"的觀念。今天,小編再向您介紹另一個循環經濟不可或缺的"共享經濟(Sharing economy)"觀念。

簡單來說,"共享經濟(Sharing economy)"就是用”以租代買(RentNotBuy)”的方式取代傳統的購買行為,而這個新的生活方式其實早已經存在您我的生活中了,從您一定知道的Uber(代僱駕駛)、Ubike(共享單車)、Zipcar(共享汽車)到您不一定知道的Mud Jeans(牛仔褲)、Canon(印表機)與Philips(照明設備)等等...都有提供現在新興的"賣服務,不賣商品"的商業模式。



從118歲燈泡  來試想汽車產業





許多人第一個都會想到路上的車會變少或空氣品質會有效改善之類的好處,但其實還有更多能顛覆我們認知的驚人鉅變。簡單舉個例子,您有想過一台汽車可以用200年甚至更久嗎?小編認為如果消費者若能普遍以買服務但不買商品的話,廠商就會想盡辦法製作出使用年限比人類壽命還長的汽車。說到這裡,您一定覺得小編在天馬行空地亂說。那小編舉個實際的例子讓大家知道,您知道一顆燈泡能夠用多久嗎?答案是118年。甚至可以明確地說,這個燈泡現在還位於美國加州的一個不起眼的消防局裡,並且還好好地『亮著』。而且在2001年當這顆燈泡滿100歲時,當地的居民還為它舉辦了盛大的慶生派對。您一定很好奇,為什麼在118年前就已經能有製作超高年限的燈泡技術而現在卻不能呢?其實是因為當時電並不普遍而燈泡是一種奢侈品,所以製造燈泡的生產者在這樣的時空環境下製作出"不能壞的燈泡",而隨著電的普級化後,燈泡就逐漸成為了生活用品且不再稀奇,因而價格走跌逐漸影響生產者的生存。在1924年的一場於日內瓦召開的燈泡企業聯盟的會議中,這些企業為了避免民眾不再需要購買燈泡竟然聯合起來將燈泡壽命再從2500小時改為1000小時以內(燈泡要趕快壞才能促進消費),這就是著名的"太陽神計畫(Phoebus cartel)",這種「只有不斷地消費才能帶領社會發展」的思維造成我們在從18世紀工業革命至今幾乎已經將地球的資源消耗殆盡,並且造成環境的永久性破壞與污染。若有興趣,您可以透過下面的影片並將字幕改成中文來了解一下這顆有趣的燈泡,並請想想這顆燈泡背後的意涵。

影片出處:The Good Stuff (This Light Bulb Has Been Burning for 115 Years!)










告別揮霍時代  一起做就能影響更多


這次由REnato Lab所舉辦的循環經濟講座,小編對於參與講座的幾乎都是年輕人,並且都對這個議題表現出主動與積極的態度而感覺印象深刻。因此,小編非常希望能夠透過每一個人的影響力,能夠一起將「循環經濟.永續環境」的觀念讓更多人知道,希望您能分享這篇文章給您的親朋好友,讓我們能一起再多做一點,這樣就能對環境產生更多一些友善的影響。


"Every time you spend money, you're casting a vote for the kind of world you want” 
"每一次你花的錢 ,都是在為你想要的世界投票"。
-Anna Lappe.
(Anna Lappe 是提倡永續食物發展的食物系統專家、暢銷書作家、教育家)





The circular economy that Taiwan needs (3) "sharing economy"

by mittag jewelry

We introduced the current situation of Taiwan in the previous two articles, "The circular economy that Taiwan needs (1) green product planning" and "The circular economy that Taiwan needs (2) cradle to cradle".  Today, we like to introduce another "sharing economy" that is indispensable to the circular economy.

Simply put, "Sharing economy" replaces traditional buying behavior with "RentNotBuy", and this new lifestyle has already existed in our life. Sure we know Uber, Ubike (shared bicycle), Zipcar (shared car) to Mud Jeans (rental jeans), Canon (printing machine) and Philips (lighting equipment). There are emerging business models that "selling services, not selling products".



Imagine the automotive industry from the 118-year-old light bulb


Spending US$20-50 thousands buying a car and rent an additional car park for another US$1-2 thousands a year, but how much time do you actually drive them? Have you ever thought to lease a car to make it more economical?

Have you ever wondered if there will be a huge change in human life if the sharing economy can be realized in the auto industry? Many people will first think of the benefits of fewer cars on the road or improved air quality, but there are more amazing changes that can subvert our perceptions. For example, have you ever thought that a car can last for 200 years or longer? We believe that if consumers can generally buy services instead of products,  manufacturers will try their best to make cars that have a longer life than human life. You might feel that we are talking nonsense, but we like to share with you one true example, do you know how long a light bulb can last? The answer is 118 years. This light bulb is now in a fire station in California, and is still "working". And when the light bulb was 100 years old in 2001, the local residents also hosted a grand birthday party for it. You must be curious, why people were able to produce super-long-life bulb technology 118 years ago and now can not? In fact, because electricity was not common at the time and light bulbs were a luxury, the producers of light bulbs produce "unbreakable light bulbs" in such a environment, and with the generalization of electricity, the light bulbs gradually become the daily expendables, so the price decline has gradually affected the survival of producers. In a conference of the Light Bulbs Enterprise Alliance held in Geneva in 1924, these companies in order to avoid the people no longer need to buy a light bulb actually joined forces to change the life of the light bulb from 2,500 hours to less than 1,000 hours (light bulbs must be fast broken to promote consumption) This is the famous "Phoebus cartel". This kind of thinking that "only continuous consumption can lead the development of society" has caused us to almost exhaust the resources of the earth since the industrial revolution of the 18th century. Cause permanent damage and pollution of the environment. If you are interested, you can find out about this interesting light bulb by watching the video, and think about the meaning behind this light bulb.

Sourced from: The Good Stuff (This Light Bulb Has Been Burning for 115 Years!)



See other benefits of the sharing economy from Ubike (shared bicycles)


"Are you sure to repair it? But repair is more expensive than buying a new one!" If you hear this next time, please remember this brand and add it to your blacklist!

The use of repairs to extend the useful life of goods was a common concept decades ago, only because of the lack of resources. Now, the maintenance is based on the different purposes of extending the life of the product to effectively reduce waste generation and avoid damage to the environment. But do you want to know that repair is actually an important part of the sharing economy? It can even subvert the existing business model and become the most important business revolution in the 21st century!

We recall since the start of the trial operation of Ubike (shared bicycle) by the giant company in Taipei in 2012, the 7-year riding experience we have got were pretty good, which is the service effect achieved by the maintenance. However, Giant is actually a Taiwanese company that sells bicycles. It is reasonable to regard Ubike as a monster competitor. It is not the case, we only see the appearance of this incident. In fact, Giant has long seen the huge business opportunities hidden behind RentNotBuy and the fact that it is the world trend. Ubike's durability is actually commonly experienced by everyone, which can be seen in two directions. First, manufacturers will design and produce bicycles on the premise of "unbreakable bulbs" instead of "dump old, get new ones". Second, manufacturers can increase business models to join maintenance mechanisms, thereby increasing corporate income and providing more job opportunities. And consumers can enjoy high-quality services or goods at a lower price. What about the environment? It can greatly reduce the generation of waste!



Say goodbye to the squandering era, you can influence more


In these economics lectures organized by REnato Lab, we observed that people who participated in the lectures were almost all young people, and they all felt positive about this issue. Therefore, we very much hope that through the influence of each individual, the concept of "circular economy and sustainable environment" can be shared with more people. We sincere hope that you can share these articles with your friends and relatives so that we can influence more people together by doing a little more.


"Every time you spend money, you're casting a vote for the kind of world you want” 
-Anna Lappe.
(Anna Lappe is a food system expert, bestselling author, educator who advocates sustainable food development.)






