mittag jewelry
台灣需要的循環經濟(2)  「搖籃到搖籃」的綠色思維

台灣需要的循環經濟(2) 「搖籃到搖籃」的綠色思維

Jul 07. 2023

小編在前一篇"台灣需要的循環經濟(1)  比回收更有效的綠色產品規劃"裡簡單地介紹了台灣一直面臨的資源缺乏困境且因土地有限更不容我們隨意丟棄廢棄物以致汙染環境,而必須採用循環經濟來有效善用資源與降低對環境的破壞。現在,就讓小編再深入介紹在循環經濟(Circular Economy)裡的"搖籃到搖籃(Cradle to Cradle,簡稱C2C)"的觀念。

這裡說到的C2C可不是商業銷售模式裡的"消費者對消費者(Customer to Customer)"的意思喔!而是指在循環經濟裡重要的"搖籃到搖籃(Cradle to Cradle)"的縮寫(搖籃指的是產品的生產者)。「根除廢棄物的概念意味著,產品、包裝和系統從設計開始,就體認到沒有廢棄物這件事。」意思是產品在設計時透過選擇友善環境的材料生產,最終讓商品在使用過後能夠有效地回收再利用。因為當生產者能以商品的可回收性為前提來製造產品的話,這些所製造出來的商品當它完成對您的服務之後而面臨被丟棄時,就能夠「很輕易地被該生產者回收再利用」了。雖然,搖籃到搖籃的主要責任在生產者,但就身為消費者的我們,也可以透過手中的鈔票在購買時對不負責任且破壞環境的廠商說「NO」進而迫使生產者改變。但相反的,若您知道任何有責任的品牌主動加入循環經濟的活動的話,也請您能多給予支持!那麼,就讓小編來提幾個實際的大小案例跟您分享吧!





身為全球電腦業龍頭的Dell,自2007年起至今(2019年)不僅提早一年達成回收20億磅(約90萬噸)的二手電子產品與從中使用1億磅再生成分的兩個目標以外,它的包裝還採用竹子、磨菇與海洋塑料製成,甚至印刷包裝時所使用的油墨也是使用柴油發電機時會產生的煙灰所製成的、贈送的電腦包是由回收的擋風玻璃製成的、並與女星Nikki Reed擁有的珠寶品牌Bayou With Love合作,從大量的舊電腦主機板中提煉出黃金並製做成珠寶,可以說是充分展現了國際大企業的能力與決心呀!

影片來源:Dell Inc.



台灣企業不落人後:  mittag jewelry & 石安牧場




取之於台灣,用之於台灣的永續珠寶─mittag jewelry.

在台灣,這個舉世聞名的科技島國,同時也是一個資源嚴重缺乏的地方,尤其是各類金屬需求必須100%由國外進口才行。因此,mittag jewelry也採用來自貴金屬回收與廢棄電子產品透過「精煉後的永續循環金屬」來製做飾品。並於2020年通過Alliance for Responsible Mining(責任採礦聯盟)所嚴格審查後頒發的「Fairmined」標章,成為台灣唯一使用公平貿易貴金屬的珠寶品牌;另外,由於回收貴金屬的技術突破,mittag jewelry於2021年改採用獨步全球的「環保剝金術」所提煉的貴金屬「有機金(Organic Gold)、有機銀(Organic Silver)」,該技術是由台灣優勝奈米公司(UWin Nanotech)所研發,並讓總統蔡英文於2018年參訪「台灣國際循環經濟展」時,看到優勝奈米的示範驚訝地說:「好神奇的水!」。自此,mittag jewelry向消費者同時提供了來自於礦區的Fairmined貴金屬與來自於回收的Organic Gold/Silver(有機金/銀)的兩種友善環境的材料。此外,mittag jewelry並「拒絕採用對水源有害的電鍍製程」,採用「手工拋光」與「終身免費保養」的方式來對消費者負責。此外,mittag jewelry已採用大豆油墨來印製包裝並計畫未來改以符合FSC(Forest Stewardship Council國際森林監管)的材料來包裝商品。另外,mittag jewelry率先提出符合循環經濟觀念的「商品回收舊換新」的服務,讓消費者在mittag jewelry所購買的商品都能夠由mittag再回收,並以優惠的價格選購新的mittag飾品,讓消費者以實際的行動與mittag jewelry一起讓寶貴的資源能永續循環,符合循環經濟裡搖籃到搖籃的思維。最後,小編透過這個機會向您介紹這個「環保剝金術」,不但對內連結上台灣引以為傲的資源回收鏈讓再生資源得以永續使用以外,對外還促使國外黃金礦砂大廠與其合作喔!

mittag jewelry使用永續環境的Fairmined公平貿易黃金與全環保Organic Silver










The circular economy that Taiwan needs (2)  "cradle to cradle"

by mittag jewelry


In the previous article "The circular economy that Taiwan needs (1) green product planning" simply introduced the lack of resources that Taiwan has been facing and we are not allowed to discard waste at will to pollute the environment because of limited land. And a circular economy must be adopted to effectively use resources and reduce damage to the environment. Now let us to introduce the concept of "Cradle to Cradle" (C2C) in Circular Economy.


The C2C mentioned here is not the meaning of "Customer to Customer" in the commercial sales model! It refers to the important "cradle to cradle" in circular economy (cradle refers to the producer of the product). "The concept of eradicating waste means that there is no waste in products, packagings and systems starting from design." This means that the product is produced by selecting materials that are friendly to the environment, and the products are used can be effectively recycled and reused. Because when a producer can manufacture a product based on the recyclability of the product, then the manufactured product can be “recycled easily by the producer when it is disposed of after it has finished its job. Although the main responsibility of cradle to cradle is in the producers, but as consumers, we can also force the producers to change by saying "NO" to the irresponsible and environmentally damaging manufacturers at the time of purchase. But on the contrary, if you know that any responsible brand actively participates in the activities of the circular economy, please also give more support! Now, let us come up with a few practical cases to share with you!



The determination of the international company Dell to be environmental friendly


Dell, the global leader in the computer industry, has not only reached the goal of recycling 20 billion pounds (about 900,000 tons) of used electronic products but also using 1 billion pounds of recycled ingredients since 2007 till now (2019). Its packaging is also made of bamboo, mushroom and marine plastic. Even the ink used in printing and packaging is made of soot generated when using diesel generators. The gifted computer bag is recycled windshield. And the jewellery brand Bayou With Love owned by actress Nikki Reed, using extracting gold from a large number of old computer motherboards and making them into jewels, it can be said that it is fully demonstrated the ability and determination of international big companies!

Sourced from: Dell Inc.



Taiwanese companies do not fall behind: mittag jewelry & Shih An Farm


If you think that circular economy is only for big foreign brands, then you may have underestimated the intention of Taiwanese companies to care for the environment. Here are some simple examples to share with you.


Taken from Taiwan, used in Taiwan's sustainable jewelry - mittag jewelry.

In Taiwan, this world-famous technology island is also a place where resources are seriously lacking. In particular, the demand for various metals must be 100% imported. Therefore, mittag jewelry also uses precious metal recycled from electronic products to make jewelry through "refined, recycling metal". And in 2020, mittag certified by "Fairmined" issued by Alliance for Responsible Mining, becoming the only jewelry brand in Taiwan that uses fair trade precious metals.  In addition, due to technological breakthroughs in the recycling of precious metals, mittag jewelry adapted to use the “Organic Gold and Organic Silver” extracted from the world’s unique “eco gold stripping technique” in 2021. This technology is developed by UWin Nanotech in Taiwan, and when President Tsai Ing-wen visited the "Taiwan International Circular Economy Exhibition" in 2018, she was surprised to see the demonstration of UWin Nanotech and said: "What a magical water!". Since then, mittag jewelry has provided consumers with Fairmined precious metals from mining areas and recycled Organic Gold/Silver materials that both are friendly to the environment. Besides, "reject to use the electroplating process that is harmful to water sources" and instead using "hand polishing" and "lifetime free maintenance" to be responsible to consumers. In addition, mittag jewelry has used soy ink to print packaging and plans to pack products in the future to comply with the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council). Meanwhile, mittag jewelry is the first to propose a "Commodity recycling and remanufacturing" service that meets the concept of circular economy, so that consumers can purchase their new mittag jewelry at a preferential price. Let consumers take the real action together with mittag jewelry to make precious resources last forever, in line with the cradle to cradle thinking in the circular economy. Moreover, we like to share Taiwan's unique gold stripping technique. It not only promotes renewable resources through the resource recycling chain that Taiwan is proud of, but also attract foreign big mining factory to cooperates with Taiwan!

mittag jewelry uses Fairmined Gold and Organic Silver

Sourced from: 三立新聞台灣亮起來20170507



Sustainable energy from chicken feces - Shih An Farm to recycle green energy


I believe everyone is familiar with "Shih An Farm"? I eat eggs produced by Shih An Farm! However, Shih An Farm does more than just provide eggs. In 2011, they took the lead in adopting the EU welfare of using equipments to carry out humane feeding laying hens. Even the "chicken feces" is also well planned and used. They convert 80 tons of chicken feces and 160 tons of sewage produced per day into 8,000 cubic meters of biogas, which is equivalent to a daily electricity demand of 1732 families. In addition, the 213 tons of liquid fertilizer produced every day can replace chemical fertilizers for fruits, vegetables and flowers, forming a circular economy of friendly agriculture. You can watch the video below to find out how the Shih An Farm is in line with the cradle-to-cradle circular economy.

Sourced from: 華視新聞(石安牧場化腐朽為神奇,讓雞糞變黃金)






