




型號: ER2108

品名: twin hearts earring_雙心石滬耳環

金屬材質: 925銀

交貨期: 現貨

注意事項: 本款有[耳環/項鍊]選項喔~



The landmark twin hearts stone weir in Penghu County is located under the sea cliff to the north of Qimei Township, with a long history of more than 700 years.

The special landscape records the eternal romantic legend for this beautiful island.

The twin hearts stone weir is a kind of trap in the sea, so that the fish (you) who were used to coming and going freely will no longer be able to leave the beautiful stone weir which was built with my love.


model number: ER2108

model name: twin hearts earring

material: 925 silver

delivery time: in stock

庫存狀況 現貨


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