× $2,120
沒有耳洞但是又想配戴率性的大耳環? 不想耳夾扣住耳垂造成不舒服? 那麼選這款就對了! 還可以加購流蘇墬飾喔~
型號: ER921
品名: square earring_方框耳骨環
交貨期: 現貨
注意事項: 單支販售, 可加購流蘇墬飾喔~
You don't have pierced ears but want to wear big earrings?
Don't want ear clips to clasp the earlobes to make them uncomfortable?
Then choose this one! You can also buy additional tassels!
model number: ER921
model name: square earring
delivery time: in stock
notices: sold by single unit. can buy additional tassels.
庫存狀況 現貨