× $2,480
如果您有更好的創意,趕快讓我們知道 :P
型號: ER2018
品名: square c earring_方框c耳骨環
金屬材質: 925銀
交貨期: 5-7個工作日
注意事項: 單支販售,可加購流蘇墬飾喔~
One big and one small square, not welded, can be disassembled, so that an earring can be worn in two ways.
If you have a better idea, quickly let us know. :P
model number: ER2018
model name: square c earring
material: 925 silver
delivery time: 5-7 working days
notice: sold by single unit. can buy additional tassel.
庫存狀況 現貨