

讓puzzle替你說出"you complete me..."邀請尋找已久的他/她一同攜手完成人生這塊大拼圖吧!

銀飾設計成水滴落在平面上的飽和感, 就覺得未來一切都會一樣肥美、圓滿。


型號: NL325

品名: puzzle necklace_拼圖項鍊

搭配項鍊長: 45cm_925純銀項鍊

交貨期: 現貨



Still looking for the piece of puzzle lost in life?

Let the puzzle say "you complete me..." for you, and invite the long-awaited him/her to work together to complete this big puzzle of life!

Designed as the saturation of the water drop on the plane, feeling that everything will be as juicy and completed in the future.


model number: NL325

model name: puzzle necklace

dimension( mm): 16x3x32

chain length: 45cm_925 sterling silver chain

delivery time: in stock


庫存狀況 現貨


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