Coco Chanel曾經說過:「沒有珍珠的女人,不算是女人」。英國黛安娜王妃也曾說過:「如果女人只能擁有一樣珠寶,那一定是珍珠」。珍珠的優雅氣質,是無論男人或女人都可以輕鬆駕馭的,想要每天配戴優雅首飾,珍珠真的很適合且推薦。快來一起感受珍珠的魅力。
型號: NL2207
品名: pearl necklace_珍珠項鍊
金屬材質: 925銀
配置鍊長: 43cm_925銀鍊
配置寶石: 3-10mm淡水珍珠
交貨期: 7個工作天
3mm $7000
4mm $8000
5mm $8500
7mm $9500
8mm $12500
10mm $16500
Coco Chanel once said: "A woman without pearls is not a woman." Princess Diana of the United Kingdom once said: "If a woman can only have one piece of jewelry, it must be pearls." The elegant temperament of pearls can be easily driven by both men and women. If you want to wear elegant jewelry every day, pearls are really suitable and recommended. Come and feel the charm of pearls together.
model number: NL2207
model name: pearl necklace
material: 925 silver
chain length: 43cm_pearl chain
config gem: 3-10mm freshwater pearl
delivery time: 7 working days
庫存狀況 現貨