1. 我們提供終身免費維修、清潔保養服務:您只需負擔來回運費。寄回商品時請內附60元回程運送費用(更換鍊子、零件或修改尺寸等服務需另收費用)。
2. 商品回收舊換新:
2.1 任何您在mittag jewelry所購買的商品,都能由mittag jewelry再回收,並能以8折的優惠價格選購您新的mittag飾品,單件商品回收僅提供一次優惠折扣。本優惠恕不得與其他優惠或折扣活動合併使用。
2.2 他牌K金、純銀商品回收舊換新可享92折優惠購買mittag商品(他牌商品一旦交給mittag回收處理便無法再取回,請三思而後行)。
2.3 一般合金飾品(非金銀材質),如果您不配戴了也不知道如何處理,歡迎交給我們,我們會在收集足夠數量的飾品後參加市集,舉辦二手拍賣,銷售獲得的金額將全數捐贈給台灣環境資訊協會。
3. 手機、電信以及電腦業者,歡迎提供貴公司回收手機、筆電、晶片、主機板,我們會協助聯繫專業授權廠商採用優勝奈米的專利環保剝金術,幫您提煉出貴金屬再製成對您有特殊意義的首飾。
4. 並非各項產品皆有提供全尺寸挑選(尤其是戒指或手環),請以官網中各產品之公佈尺寸和供貨時間為準,若有其他尺寸之需求,可先告知,一般來說,其他尺寸需約2週的等待時間。
5. 全產品皆提供mittag品牌包裝、品牌保證卡、品牌提袋等…
6. 項鍊大部分會搭配40cm或45cm的925純銀鍊,而某些款式的設計會搭配較特殊長度的925純銀鍊或皮繩。在上游銀鍊廠商生產供貨會有變動的狀況下,mittag保有925純銀鍊子搭配款式的變更權利。
7. 手鍊配置長度:寶寶12cm,女士16cm,男士20cm;若有其他尺寸需求請另提出。 在上游銀鍊廠商生產供貨會有變動的狀況下,mittag保有925純銀鍊子搭配款式的變更權利。
8. 寶寶手鍊提供免費加長至16公分的服務,以符合寶寶長大需要加長手鍊的需求(每條寶寶手鍊僅提供一次免費加長服務)。
9. 買方有商品七天鑑賞期權益(特殊情況除外),收到商品當日起算七日內(含假日),無條件更換其他商品(更換之產品價金另行退補),但須由買方負擔更換往來運輸費用,並僅提供一次更換。
9.1 承上,不包含在商品七天鑑賞期服務之狀況主要包括:
- 客製商品:由消費者要求mittag承製之商品。
- 客製化處理商品:包含雷射雕刻、手工敲字或電鍍等...
- 客製材料商品:採用mittag現有設計,但材料由顧客指定(如白金、K金、黃金等...)之客製產品。
10. 若商品出現瑕疵,可提供全額退費或更換商品(更換之產品價金另行退補),並由mittag全額負擔商品回寄之運輸費用。商品瑕疵的定義為缺少零件或產品受損或不完整之情形。
11. 若需要辦理退換貨,請於收到貨後七日內(含假日),請寫信至 [email protected] 或是line@ID:@tpv6715n或是撥打0911672251,我們會有專人和您聯絡退換貨事宜。
12. 退換貨時請將商品包裝妥當寄回(23599中和興南郵局第92-57號信箱 0911672251 林小姐收),待我們收到貨品確認無誤後,將於七個工作天內退款給您。
mittag jewelry|our services
1. We provide lifetime free maintenance, cleaning and maintenance services: you only need to pay for the return shipping fee. Please include the NTD60 return shipping fee when you send back the item (replacement of chain, parts or modification of size services will be charged separately).
2. Product Recycling and Replacement
2.1 Any product you buy at mittag jewelry can be recycled by mittag, and you can purchase your new mittag jewelry at 20% off discount. One-piece merchandise recycling can enjoy once discount. This offer cannot be combined with other promotions or discounts.
2.2 Other brands’ K gold and silver products can enjoy a 8% off discount on the purchase of mittag products when they are recycled by mittag (other branded products cannot be retrieved once they are handed over to mittag for recycling, please think carefully).
The above recycled K gold and silver products will be transferred to professional refiners for re-purification to 9999 purity, and then returned to the production line to make new products.
2.3 As for alloy jewelry (non-gold and silver material), if you don't wear it and don't know what to do with it, you are welcome to hand it to us, after collecting enough jewelry, we will hold a second-hand auction, and the amount obtained from the sale will be fully donate to Taiwan Environmental Information Association.
3. Mobile phone, telecommunications and computer manufacturers are welcome to provide your company's recycling of mobile phones, laptops, chips, and motherboards. We will assist you in contacting professional authorized manufacturers to use Uwin Nano's patented environmentally friendly gold stripping technology to extract precious metals and then remake them into meaningful jewelry.
4. Not all products are available in full-size selection (especially rings or bangles). Please refer to the published size and delivery time of each product on the official website. If there is any other size requirement, please feel free to discuss with us. In general, other sizes require about 2 weeks of waiting time.
5. All products are provided with mittag brand packages, brand guarantee cards, brand gift bags, etc....
6. Necklaces will most likely be made with 40cm or 45cm 925 sterling silver chains, while some designs will be made with special length 925 sterling silver chains or leather cords. In case if silver chain manufacturers supply changes, mittag reserves the right to change the style of the 925 sterling silver chain.
7. The bracelet configuration length: 12cm for baby, 16cm for lady, 20cm for men; please feel free to request if there are other sizes needed. In case if silver chain manufacturers supply changes, mittag reserves the right to change the style of the 925 sterling silver chain.
8. The baby bracelet gets a free service extended to 16cm (from 12cm) to meet the needs of the baby growing up. (each baby bracelet is available for only one-time free length extended service).
9. Customers have a 7 day appreciation period (unless otherwise specified), a requirement of other products replacement (the price of the replaced product shall be paid separately) shall be raised within 7 days (including holidays) from the date of receiving goods. Customers shall cover return transportation costs, and we only offer one-time replacement.
9.1 To follow above point, products which are not included in seven-day appreciation period, mainly are:
- Customized products: products are originally requested by consumers.
- Customized processing products: including laser engraving, manual stamping, etc...
- Customized material products: with mittag design, but the material is required by the customer (such as platinum, gold, etc...).
10. If the product is defective, you can choose either full refund or the product replacement (the replacement product price gap shall be paid separately), and mittag will cover the return shipping fees. Product defectives are defined as missing parts or products that are damaged or incomplete.
11. If you need to return the goods, please write to [email protected] or line@ID:@tpv6715n, within 7 days after receiving the products (including holidays).
12. Please send back all the product packages when returning (P.O. Box 92-57 Johnghe Singnan, New Taipei City, 23599 Taiwan R.O.C.). And we will refund within 7 working days after we confirm all items are correct.