台灣品牌實踐循環經濟 mittag jewelry商品回收舊換新服務
Sep 08. 2023
在2020年初的新冠肺炎引發國際的恐慌與危機,讓更多的人開始加入並正視這個攸關人類未來生活的議題—永續環境。2020年5月6日由法國「世界報」(Le Monde)刊登的一篇給世界各國領袖的公開信『Please, let’s not go back to normal (拜託!讓我們別回到正常生活)』,其署名是來自國際巨星瑪丹娜和諾貝爾和平獎得主尤努斯等200位國際科學家與各界名人,他們一同呼籲各國領袖與全世界的公民,在未來疫情降溫並開始解除防疫封鎖之後,千萬別回到正常生活,而是必須拋棄現行卻不具永續性的邏輯,來檢視生活中什麼才是真正必要的。信中還提及我們一直以來追求消費主義,企業沉迷在增加生產能力,讓我們忽略了包含動物、植物和許多人類生命本身的價值。並呼籲這樣的經濟模式必須改變,以助於拯救地球。
無獨有偶,最近小編又在蒐集整理客戶經常發問的問題,以便在編寫文章前的話題選擇時能做一個參考;沒想到,發現近期有關mittag jewelry的「循環經濟」文章「台灣需要的循環經濟(1) 比回收更有效的綠色產品規劃」的點擊率很高引起許多人的正面肯定,甚至有很多客戶趁著購買商品時,也會好奇地詢問有關mittag jewelry商品回收舊換新的服務內容,可見近幾年國際間熱門的循環經濟(Circular Economy)話題也開始引起台灣消費者的好奇與關注。既然如此,那就讓小編進一步來說明mittag jewelry產品舊換新的服務吧(手比愛心)!
根據小編私下非官方的調查,相較於西方人,東方人普遍對於飾品的使用年限較短,也就是說,東方人所購買的飾品閒置率會比較高,一件飾品平均穿戴壽命約1~2年,然後飾品就面臨被封存甚至是被遺棄的命運。是的,mittag jewelry因為發現到這個問題,因此希望替飾品增長它的服務壽命,因為我們很清楚,被遺棄的飾品、珠寶若不是交給專業的業者拆解再重新提煉重複使用的話,它面臨的下場就是直接被丟棄掩埋或是焚燒殆盡而已。
「生產高品質的東西,就是對顧客與產品使用者展現尊重與責任感,...因為更長的產品壽命代表我們可以使用更少的消耗品,我們需要製作的東西也會更少,造成的破壞也就更少。」這一點一直是mittag jewelry努力的目標,我們期許自己製造高品質的商品,讓客戶能夠長久舒適的配戴,我們樂於對已售出的商品提供免費清洗、保養服務,也提供終身維修服務喔(會依維修程度酌收工本費用);無論它們已售出多少年,我們都是抱著始終如一的感恩心情在服務。到了最終,如果客戶已經決定永遠不再配戴它們的時候,我們也非常樂意回收再重新提煉,不使資源浪費,讓每一件飾品都能有重生的機會以全新的姿態服務新的主人。因此mittag jewelry在2019年起開始領先業界提供這個服務,由品牌商直接回收自己的商品,其目的是要邀請您一同響應循環經濟的核心精神:『資源永續循環利用』,一起為台灣的環境盡一己之力。
為了方便您將商品回收,並真正地提高商品的回收率,您僅需要提供商品本身即可(例如項鍊是包含墜飾與鍊子...),無須再提供保固卡或其他購買證明,即可以享有空前優惠價格購買mittag的其他商品(優惠詳情以 購買注意事項 第一點說明內容為準)。您可以直接透過mittag jewelry官方網站,在下單前告知網店服務人員即可,我們非常樂意為您提供這項服務,與您一起用力愛台灣、愛地球~
然後,mittag jewelry會定期將回收的飾品交由專業的煉金業者使用環保煉金方式提煉回純金與純銀後,並再次使用於mittag jewelry的新商品上。如此一來,便可讓貴金屬生生不息地永續被使用了,這是mittag所期望達成的目標,但是這個目標需要您的共同參與才能實現。
包裝的多種選擇 提供您不同的需求
除了mittag jewelry產品回收舊換新讓您可以享有購買商品的空前折扣外,您還可以獲得另外一筆額外的優惠就是在包裝上的扣抵。在包裝上,mittag jewelry心中最理想的包裝方式就是以裸裝方式提供飾品本身給您立即穿戴,不另外做其他包裝,這樣就可以立即減少許多包裝廢棄物的產生;但是事實上,我們要做到這一點還有許多困難,而我們也會努力朝這個方向前進,但是這一點同時也需要您的支持與參與我們才能達成。以目前的狀況來說,我們可以做到的是提供環保包裝與送禮包裝的兩種選擇,如果您選擇的是環保包裝,您可以立刻獲得折價100元的優惠喔(此扣抵與任何其他優惠不相衝突,歡迎同時使用)!以下是環保包裝與送禮包裝的差別:
circular economy - mittag jewelry products recycling and replacement service
by mittag jewelry
The COVID-19 caused international panic and crisis at the beginning of 2020, and more people began to join and face to this issue, which is the concern of human life in the future-sustainable environment. An open letter “Please, let's not go back to normal”published by Le Monde in France on May 6, 2020. It was from international superstar Madonna, Nobel Peace Prize winner Yunus and 200 international scientists and celebrities . They all called on leaders of all countries and citizens of the world to stop returning to normal after the epidemic cools down in the future, instead, we must abandon the current but not sustainable logic to examine what is really necessary in life. The letter also mentions that we have been pursuing consumerism, enterprises are addicted to increasing production capacity, which makes us ignore the value of animals, plants and many human lives themselves. And called for such an economic model must be changed to save the planet.
sourced from:Le Monde
Coincidentally, we are collecting and sorting the questions frequently asked by customers, so that we can make a reference when choosing topics before writing articles; we did not expect to find the recent "circular economy" articles about "The circular economy that Taiwan needs (1) green product planning" has aroused many people's positive affirmation, and even many customers were curious and asked about the mittag jewelry products recycling and replacement service while buying new items. The topic of circular economy that has been popular internationally for several years has also begun to arouse curiosity and attention from Taiwan consumers. In this case, let us further explain the mittag jewelry products recycling and replacement service (love)!
Increasing the use of goods
According to our private unofficial survey, compared with westerners, we generally have a shorter usage period for jewelry, that is to say, the idle rate of jewelry purchased by us will be higher, and the average wearing life of a jewelry is about 1-2 years, and then the jewelry faces the fate of being stored away or even abandoned. Hence, mittag jewelry hopes to increase the service life of the jewelry, because we know clearly, if the abandoned jewelry are not handed over to professional goldsmiths for dismantling and re-refining for reuse, it will be directly discarded and buried or burned down to ash.
"Producing high-quality product means showing respect and responsibility to customers and product users ... Because longer product life means that we can use fewer consumables, so we need to make fewer things, resulting in less damage. " This has always been the goal of mittag jewelry's efforts. We hope to manufacture high-quality products so that customers can wear them comfortably for a very long time. We are happy to provide free cleaning services, and also provide lifetime maintenance services (the cost will be charged according to the degree of repair);
no matter how many years they have been sold, we always serve with a grateful feeling. In the end, if customers has decided to never wear them again, we are also very happy to recycle and refine them, not to waste any resources, so that each piece of jewelry can have a chance to be reborn and serve new owners with a brand-new look. Therefore, mittag jewelry began to provide this service ahead of the industry in 2019, which is to directly recycle our products. The purpose is to invite you to join the core spirit of the circular economy: "sustainable recycling of resources" together for the environment of Taiwan.
Improving product recycle rate
In order to facilitate the recycle rate of the goods, you only need to provide the products themselves (for example, the necklace contains pendants and chains ...), need not to provide warranty cards or other proof of purchase. You can enjoy an unprecedented discount when purchasing other products of mittag (The offer is subject to the first note of purchasing notice). You can directly inform the online store staff before placing an order through the official website of mittag jewelry. We are very happy to provide you with this service and together with you to love Taiwan and the earth ~
Then, mittag jewelry will regularly deliver the recycled jewelry material to professional alchemists to use environmentally friendly alchemy methods to extract back pure gold and sterling silver, and then use them again in new products of mittag jewelry. In this way, precious metals can be used endlessly, which is montag's goal, but this goal requires your joint participation to achieve.
A variety of packaging options to meet your different needs
In addition to the mittag jewelry product recycling plan to enjoy an unprecedented discount when purchasing new products, you can also get another additional discount on the packaging. On the packaging aspect, the ideal packaging method in our mind of mittag jewelry is to provide the jewelry itself without any packaging for you to wear immediately, without making other packaging, so that we can right away reduce many packaging wastes; but in fact, there are still many difficulties to reach this idea, and we will work hard to move forward in this direction, but this will also require your supports and participations in order to achieve it. In terms of the current situation, what we can do is to provide two options of eco-packaging and gift packaging. If you choose eco-packaging, you can immediately get a discount of US$3 off. (There is no conflict with other discounts, you are welcome to use discounts at the same time)! The followings are the differences between eco-packaging and gift packaging:
Eco packaging: silver polish cloth + warranty card + clip bag
Gift packaging: silver polish cloth + warranty card + brand gift box + brand gift bag
Therefore, if you are buying a gift for yourself instead of present to someone, it is recommended that you can choose eco-packaging when you place an order on the official website, remember to [Login Member] and apply a coupon code [EcoPackaging] while making payments to get US$3 deduction immediately. Now, why not just go to mittag's official website to enjoy the experience of getting so many discounts!
Gift packaging: silver polish cloth + warranty card + brand gift box + brand gift bag
Eco packaging: silver polish cloth + warranty card + clip bag