mittag jewelry來自台灣
mittag jewelry成立於2012年,是由Made In Taiwan(台灣製造)的MIT縮寫與Tag(意同Brand,品牌之意)兩個英文的合併字,因為我們堅持與承諾mittag所有商品皆全程台灣製造,同時也由衷的希望您能直覺簡單地記起這個來自台灣的品牌;因為我們跟您一樣熱愛著台灣這片土地與關心著這片土地上生活的人們。因此,經由手寫了上千個mittag,並由團隊反覆篩選出最適合的率性文字來做品牌Logo,希望能夠藉此注入工業機器大量生產所無法取代的職人設計與手作溫度的品牌風格。
台灣永續珠寶的領航者 mittag jewelry的品牌保證
身為台灣品牌的一員,mittag jewelry參與許多綠色環保活動如淨灘、能源節約等實際行動以外,更積極地將追求永續環境的行動在商品與服務中實現,和消費者一同負起愛護環境的責任,因此,mittag jewelry積極落實以下目標與承諾:
經由多年的努力,mittag jewelry終於在2020年5月通過由ARM(Alliance for Responsible Mining責任採礦聯盟)成立的「Fairmined(公平採礦)」認證的審查,成為台灣第一也是唯一使用公平貿易貴金屬的珠寶品牌。讓您所購買的美麗珠寶背後的材料來源,是出自於符合公平貿易與永續環境的良善立意而來的。看「台灣唯一使用公平貿易貴金屬的珠寶品牌 — mittag jewelry」來了解更多...
mittag jewelry自2012年創立品牌開始,就開始使用來自銀樓貴金屬回收與廢棄電子產品透過「精煉後的永續循環金屬」來製做商品;更於2021年採用台灣優勝奈米科技公司(UWin Nanotech)獨步全球的「全環保撥金術」所產出的「有機金(Organic Gold)」、「有機銀(Organic Silver)」讓循環經濟綠化得更徹底。看「台灣也有豐富金礦|mittag jewelry採用全環保「有機金」、「有機銀」」來了解更多...
mittag jewelry在"跟您一起留下一個美麗的環境!台灣品牌談環保意識"一文中有提到電鍍商品對於環境與水源的嚴重傷害,因此,mittag jewelry以「手工拋光」與「終身免費保養」來取代高汙染環境的電鍍製程,除了讓您購買的飾品從裡到外都是一樣地美麗動人之外,還大大減少了首飾讓您過敏的機率,更降低了您更換首飾的頻率與保養首飾的困擾。
mittag jewelry從建立品牌一開始就在包裝的部分完全屏除塑膠製品,採用原木珠寶盒以及紙絲或蜂巢紙來包裝運送您的商品。而目前改版後的珠寶盒是以紙材所製成,紙品的部分採用大豆油墨印製,讓它能被環境自然分解或再次被循環利用達到零廢棄。除了讓您在享受購物的樂趣以外,在包裝上也符合您愛護環境的要求。我們更提供「環保包裝」選項(裸買),讓您立即享有100元的折抵優惠。
mittag jewelry的商品就如同它所標示的925銀、18K金等...一樣地表裡如一,為了愛護環境並提倡循環經濟(Circular Economy)的環保議題,任何您在mittag jewelry所購買的商品,都能由mittag jewelry再回收,並能以優惠的價格選購您新的mittag飾品(詳細的回收優惠方案請以官網中的"購買注意事項"為準),讓您能夠以實際的行動與mittag jewelry一同愛惜資源並讓這個愛能循環永續。
mittag特定系列的設計概念來自於對於氣候變遷對環境、物種造成巨大影響而發想,例如逐冰系列是因為我們有感溫室效應造成冰山溶化 ,北極熊過著追逐冰塊的生活 ,所以取名逐冰。因此,每一筆逐冰系列、鯨魚系列、北極熊訂單,我們都將幫您捐出10%營業額給「台灣環境資訊協會」,我們熱切的邀請您的行動與參與,together be stronger
怡然自得 追求自我的品牌態度
因此,mittag在德文裡還有午間(lunch break)的意思。
mittag jewelry藉由設計並手工製作出許許多多發自內心悸動的商品,透過它們獨特的意涵,陪著您面對生活中許許多多的挑戰,並不時地提醒自己「勿忘初衷」,別忘記心中那片綠油油的草地。因為在內心的深處,我們渴望著能夠爭取一絲片刻的寧靜,就如同在辦公室的午後泡杯咖啡小憩片刻一樣,這種追求內心的怡然自得,就是mittag品牌想傳達的最重要信念。而在這段lunch break裡,您得以回歸自然(nature)並回歸自我(me);如同mittag jewelry想要傳達的反璞歸真、忠於自我的意境(NatureMe)。
站在您立場思考的mittag jewelry 4大商品服務
為了讓您在mittag jewelry的購買更加安全、便捷,我們採用知名的第三方支付公司並與多家知名超商、郵局與到府宅配公司合作,並提供「台灣全區免運費」、「商品7天鑑賞期」、「商品永久保固」與「終身免費保養」的4大商品服務,讓您體驗mittag jewelry從裡到外全方位的完整服務。
about mittag jewelry
mittag comes from Taiwan
mittag jewelry was established in 2012, and it means MIT (Made in Taiwan) brand, because we insist and promise all mittag’s products are all made in Taiwan, and at the same time, we sincerely hope you could memorise it easily by its mit brand name, because we love Taiwan so much as you do. Hence, by handwriting thousands of mittag, and the team repeatedly screened out the most appropriate handwriting to make the brand logo, hoping to inject the brand spirit with handmade temperature that cannot be replaced by industrial mass production.
The pilot of Taiwan's sustainable jewellery, mittag’s brand guarantees
As a member of Taiwanese brands, mittag jewelry is active in the pursuit of sustainable environmental activities such as beach cleanup and energy conservation. With the implementation of the products and services, in order to work with customers to take care of the environment, here, mittag jewelry actively implements the following goals and commitments:
1. "Localized production reducing carbon footprint"
Our design, production, and processing in Taiwan can not only effectively reduce the carbon footprint, fulfill the brand spirit of loving Taiwan, ensuring the excellent quality of MIT products, but also maintain Taiwanese job market. Not only can we retain professionals for the industry, but also contribute little effort to Taiwan's economy.
2. “Using fair trade certified gold and silver”
After years of trying, mittag jewelry has finally got the "Fairmined" (established by ARM “Alliance for Responsible Mining”) certification in May 2020, becoming the first and only jewelry brand in Taiwan that uses fair trade precious metals. Let the source of the materials behind the beautiful jewelry you bought come from the good intentions in line with fair trade and sustainable environment. Read the article "The only jewelry brand using fair trade precious metals in Taiwan—mittag jewelry" to know more details.
3. "Using UWin Nanotech environmental friendly Organic Gold and Organic Silver"
Since the establishment of the brand in 2012, mittag jewelry has begun to use precious metal recycled from jeweler’s shops and waste electronic products to produce products. In 2021, we adopted the "Organic Gold" and "Organic Silver" produced by a Taiwan company UWin Nanotech using “all environmental friendly gold stripping technique" to extract precious metals, making the circular economy even greener. Read the article "Taiwan has rich gold mines|mittag jewelry adopts "organic gold and silver”" to know more…
4. "The product is not electroplated and does not pollute the environment"
In the article "A Taiwanese brand talking about environmental awareness", mittag jewelry mentioned that the electroplating products are seriously harmful to the environment and water. Therefore, mittag jewelry provides "hand polishing" and "free lifetime maintenance" to replace the highly polluting environment of the electroplating process. In addition to making sure the jewelry you buy is equally beautiful from the inside to the outside, it also greatly reduces the chance of jewelry making you allergic, and also reduces the frequency of changing jewelry and the trouble of maintaining jewelry.
5. "Environmental friendly product packaging"
From the beginning of the establishment of the brand, mittag jewelry completely excluded plastic materials in the packaging part, and used wooden jewelry boxes and paper thread or honeycomb paper to package and transport your goods. The current revised jewelry box is made of paper, and it is printed with soy ink, so that it can be naturally decomposed by the environment or recycled again to achieve zero waste. In addition to allowing you to enjoy shopping but also meets your environment protection requirements, we also provide “Eco packaging” options (shop naked), allowing you to immediately enjoy a discount of NT$100.
6. "Commodity recycling and remanufacturing"
mittag’s products such as 925 silver, 18K gold, etc. are labeled as it is. In order to protect the environment and promote circular economy, any product you buy at mittag can be recycled by mittag, and you can purchase your new mittag jewelry at a favorable price (detailed recycling discount plan please refer to the "purchase notice" on the official website), so that you can take action with mittag together to cherish resources and let this love cycle.
7. "Annual donations to Taiwan's environmental protection groups"
The design concept of mittag's specific series comes from thinking about the huge impact of climate change on the environment and species. For example, the idea of chasing ice series is because we feel the greenhouse effect causes the melting of icebergs, so polar bears live a life of chasing ice, that’s why we name it. Therefore, we will donate 10% of the selling price to the "Taiwan Environmental Information Association" for every order for the chasing ice series, whale series, and polar bear. We are eagerly looking forward to your actions and participation, together be stronger!
Self-satisfied, self-motivated brand attitude
The vast majority of people, like you and me, facing this fast-changing world today, and we need to work hard from 9am to 8pm; but in the heart, we gradually forgot the leisure of the breeze touches our faces... we forgot the temperature when hugging our family and friends... we forgot for whom we fought for... we forgot when was the last laugh from the heart, when was the tears when so moved...
There, mittag also has a meaning of lunch break in German.
mittag wants to create lots of heart-warming products and, through their unique meanings, accompany you to face many challenges in life, and remind you from time to time that you should not forget your original intention, not forget the green grass in your heart. Because in the depth of heart, we are eager to fight for a moment of calm, just like having a cup of coffee in the afternoon at the office, this kind of pursuit inner self-satisfaction is the most important belief that the mittag brand wants to convey. During this lunch break, you are able to return to the nature and return to the self (me); as if the brand wants to convey the true nature of the self, the NatureME.
mittag silver 4 major products service standing in your position
In order to make your purchase at mittag silver safer and more convenient, we cooperate with well-known third-party payment companies and well-known convenient shops, post office and home delivery companies, and provide "free shipping in Taiwan", "7 days appreciation period", "permanent warranty" and "lifetime free maintenance", let you experience the complete service of mittag silver from inside to outside.