



型號: NL2010fm

品名: coffee bean necklace fm_咖啡豆項鍊

配置鍊長: 40cm_925銀項鍊

金屬材質: 925銀

交貨期: 現貨



After becoming the only fair trade jewelry brand in Taiwan, the first product chosen was the well-known fair trade coffee as the starting point.

The fair trade coffee beans were kindly provided by the OKOgreen, and then we one by one selected the most beautiful bean, and cast it into a necklace jewelry. For each bean, we laser engraved Fairmined mark and give it the identity certification of 100% fair trade raw materials.


model number: NL2010fm

model name: coffee bean necklace fm

chain length: 40cm_925 silver chain

material: 925 silver

delivery time: in stock

庫存狀況 現貨


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